From there, I was pretty much cruising along. We got down to about 12 players left when I took a beat to a three outer. I had AQ in the small blind in a limped pot. The early limper was a tight passive player, and was known to limp raise with AA and KK. So I just wanted to see the flop instead of trying to play two card chicken with AQ. The flop was perfect for my hand QQ10. There were two spades, so I wanted to find out if there were any draws. I bet about 2/3 of the pot, and the early limper called. The 8 of spades came on the turn, and the early limper only had about 77,000 left and there was 96,000 in the pot. So I decided to bet enough to put him all in. He went in the tank and typed in, "Did you bet on the come?" I knew I had him when he typed that in. I said nothing, and with only a couple seconds left, he called off the rest of his money with KQ off. He didn't even have a spade in his hand. So that dropped me down to about 6th place.
For the rest of the tournament I played pretty well. I made one mistake with 10's in early position that left me short stacked at the final table. I went out in 7th place. All in all, I'm happy with the way I played and was just happy to have finally made a decent score since I started my journey. I have one token left, and will probably play it some time at the beginning of next week. To recap, in the four tournaments I have played so far, I have made the final table once and have finished in at least the top 25% each time. I am quite proud of that, especially since two of those tourneys I couldn't buy a hand to save my life.
Well, I leave you with that. In my next blog, I'll begin the lesson plan. As always, if there are any questions, or comments, drop me a line. Good luck at the table.
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