I bought the game
Rock Band for our New Year's Eve party. I bought Guitar Hero 3 back in November, and have been completely obsessed with it. I found myself playing that game for hours and hours. I'm still working my way up to expert status, but I'm progressing. I can play most of the hard songs and get 4 or 5 stars. So I still have a ways to go. I loved the game so much, that I went out and bought Guitar Hero 2 a couple of weeks later.
The drums are difficult to play. It takes a while before you gain the coordination necessary for the bass pedal. I'm getting better, but still am having a lot of difficulties at the hard level. There are a couple of songs that are a blast to play on the drums. These include; Enter Sandman, Foreplay/Long Time, Flirting with Disaster, Cherub Rock, In Bloom, and Wanted Dead or Alive. The other great thing about Rock Band, is that they add new tracks all the time. Whereas, Guitar Hero adds a new track once in a blue moon. The guitar for Rock Band is different as well. It is just like the one in Guitar Hero. However, they added another set of frets close to the body. During the solo sections, you only have to tap the frets, you don't have to strum. For difficult sections with a lot of runs, they can be very helpful.

When I heard about Rock Band, and the fact that 4 people can play, I knew that I had to get it for our party. A lot of my friends love Guitar Hero, and I thought it would be a good party game. That was an understatement. We started playing at 9 and didn't stop until about 3 in the morning. If you are a fan of the Guitar Hero series, you will love Rock Band. There are a couple of key differences. The bundle includes the guitar, and game; but also includes a drum kit and microphone. I bought the game for the song list, but mostly for the drum kit. I have always wanted to beat the hell out of a drum kit. Now I get my chance.

So that's pretty much been my new obsession, outside of poker of course. :)
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