OMG....I can't believe the sheer number of suckouts and beats I have taken today. It is unreal. Below I am going to post some of the beats I have taken and maybe I'll find a way I could have played the hands better. For the most part, I have just run into some very loose players, who I trapped badly by the way, and they get there in the end. Most of the hands the villain was a HUGE underdog to win. Not just a coin flip situation, but a really big dog to win.
I came in for a standard raise, and got re-raised by the big blind. The big blind had been three betting quite a bit and I didn't really want to get too frisky with the hand before the flop, especially with the hitchhiker. His re-raise was really small, so I decided to see the flop. Sure enough I flop a 10. There's no draw out, except 89, but I know he's not raising with that. More than likely he has exactly what he had. He overbets the pot and shoves and gets there in the end.
This one was probably the most frustrating. We are on the bubble. Again, very loose player. I three bet him a few times, once with KK and got shoved then rivered by A9 off. The other times I was light, so I had to drop the hand to his shove. So I started playing flops with him. Then this hand came up. He makes a pretty standard raise from the button. So his range is pretty much any two big cards, any ace, any pair, probably any connected cards above a 7. I get KJ suited and since I'm out of position, want to see the flop. Again, I flop top two and decide to check-raise all in. I ususally don't check-raise, but I know he will bet just about any flop. There's a couple of broadway draws, but I know I'm a huge favorite to win. So we get the money in, and sure enough, he gets there on the river.
This one is simply hilarious. First, look at the chip stacks. There is a short stack with only about 4 big blinds left, and he's going through the blinds shortly. The short stack has been playing very passive and is sure to blind out soon. Second, I have the big blind covered, and have not made many moves at him. So I get a pocket pair and looked over at the short stack. I knew that without AA or KK, maybe even QQ, JJ, or AK, he's not going to call. So I push on him, and to my surprise he calls. At first I was shitting myself. Did I just run into a monster? How could he put his tourney on the line without one? The cards flip and it's 66 vs. 55. Of course he spikes a 5 and it leaves me crippled. Ironically, the short stack is the one that eliminated me. Such a horrible play on his part. To put your tourney on the line with a short stack and not even pay attention to the situation is pretty typical of low limit players.
This one is pretty typical of how I've been running lately. I know it's a race from the get go, and I don't mind racing at this point. I have been running really cold lately, and when I get a hand, I'm prepared to go with it. So I make a standard raise under the gun with AQ. I get re-raised by a player I have played against numerous times. I know he is capable of making this play with just about any pair and most of the time, he will fold to a three bet shove. So I push, and he calls with JJ. Not so bad, it's a coin flip. I turn a queen, then he gets there on the river. Gotta love it when you are getting nothing but frozen cards.
So, it's been an up and down day. The day started out well, but just got progressively more worse. I couldn't believe how many times I would get a big pair, and some loose idiot would shove, then hit their set. I'm not kidding, I had an overpair to their underpair 6 times, and each time they hit their set. Other than that, 3 out of the 5 times I had KK and got called by a weak ace, and each time an ace hit the flop. KK, QQ, JJ, 10's, nothing was holding and whenever I got AK or AQ, the flop would come 8 high or 3 to a flush. SO hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
On another note, I made another deep run in the $32,000 Guarantee and made a dumb mistake at the end. I just barely went out before the money. But, what can you do? It just seemed like everybody who called my raises was going to flop the nuts. That's pretty much the way it went today. I raised with AK, the flop comes A-K-10, and of course they called with QJ. The only thing I have to remember, is to play small ball and keep the LAG's at bay.
So time to get my head back in the game, and make a good run. Good luck at the tables.
UPDATE: I played a couple of multi-table tourneys, and I ran like total dog shit. I couldn't get a hand to save my life. Then when I did get a hand, it either didn't connect with the flop or they drew out on me. I went out in both tourneys with two very dumb moves that I shouldn't have made. The first, I raised the big blind and checked the flop, then moved on the turn. I didn't even stop to think about what he might have or whether or not my hand was good. Sure enough, he flopped the nuts, go figure. In the second tourney, I limped in the small blind, the big blind raised, I flat called. The flop came Q-9-8 with two clubs. I had KJ with the jack of clubs. I check called the flop then pushed the turn when another club hit. Sure enough, he had AA with the ace of clubs. I had 3 outs to the straight, but that's it. I shouldn't have made either one of these moves.
In the low limit tourneys you will find so many loose aggro's and calling stations it gets ridiculous, especially if you're not catching any kind of playable hand. You see them showing down K5 and Q6 and winning pots, while you get sucked out on with AK and QQ. Here's a good one for you. I'm in the BB with AK off, and the button raises my blind for the third orbit in a row. Every other time I had 52 and 84 so there wasn't much I could do, because I knew he was the kind of player that overvalued two big cards and would go with it. So I just had to wait. So he raises me again, and I three bet him 2.5X's his raise. He shoves for about 4X's my raise. He has me covered but I know that worst case scenario we're racing. He had K10 off. He lost the pot and I was in really good shape in the tourney, until I pulled the complete moron play. So, I just have to keep my wits and brain in the game. Don't run on auto pilot or try to bluff a player off a hand I know they won't get rid of. Most players just cannot release top pair, no matter what they have. The sheer number of times I saw pots getting jammed only for one guy to show AQ and the other to show A4 or A5 was totally insane.
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5 weeks ago
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