I can't believe how cold decked I'm getting right now. Everytime the game gets short handed, or I get deep in a tourney, I go completely card dead. Not only that, but people are drawing out on me left and right. I have had so many people drawing to 4 or fewer outs and getting there. I was in the Fifty-fifty tonight. I have 99 in the small blind and it's relatively early in the tourney. Everybody at the table is playing pretty tight. There's a small raise from middle position and 3 people call. It comes to me and I can either fold (not with the odds I'm getting), raise to eliminate weak hands (how many are going to fold? I then have to play a small pair OOP, not a good reason to raise here), or flat call (best choice). I flat call and know that being out of position with so many people, if I flop a 9 I can double through. So I flat call, as does the big blind. The flop comes 9-6-4...GIN!!! A lot of players would check-raise in this spot. However, I believe that leading out is by far the best play. Most people will put you on a draw or a hand like A9 or K9. So I lead out and everyone folds but the last guy, he flat calls. The turn brings a 2. I only have about 2/3 of the pot left. So I shove all-in and he calls. I show top set, he shows AA. It's just funny how people don't think about the hand and just seem to play on auto pilot. So sure he has AA, a very strong hand PRE-FLOP. However, you have to play the hand after the flop. AA against 6 people on that kind of flop, you might as well chuck your AA out the window, especially if somebody is betting out and leading on the turn to your flat call. The only hands he could be beating are a draw or an overplayed 9. So, long story short, he rivers an ace and I'm gone.
It has been going that way for about a week now. I just checked my stats and I have lost so many sit and go's and tourneys to weak draws and overplayed hands. I got check-raised by a LAG with third pair and no draw. Of course he got there on the end. What's funny is that everytime the money has gone in, I have known that I had the best of it, but the little hairs on the back of my neck keep tingling. Then BAM, there's the suckout card. It's been so frustrating. 2:1, 3:1, 21:1, I have lost just about everyway possible. The other big frustration has been going card dead deep in tourneys. I have made it to the top 1/3 of tourneys and just can't pick up any kind of hand. I've tried playing off my image, but it seems like everyone else is getting my share of the cards. I was sitting about average and raised from middle position. I hadn't raised a hand in about 3 orbits, so I thought my raise would get some respect, WRONG! I get shoved for 10X's my bet. HMMMM, he obviously has a hand like 77-JJ, maybe AK or AQ. It's just annoying and frustrating. In the last tourney I played, the final 65 hands I had, the best hands I saw were 33, A4 suited, and QJ off. That's it, everything else was 23 off, 73, 84, K4, 104, and other trash hands. I didn't see any suited connectors or gappers, didn't see two big face cards, no aces what so ever, and no pocket pairs. Hopefully things will turn around soon, my luck has to turn around sometime soon.
In a multi-table tourney you have to catch cards sometime, preferably at the end of the tourney. If you catch cards early in a tourney, you might double through or build a chip lead, but the chip leader usually does not last. You have to get some hands. There is nothing you can do about it otherwise. You can bluff some pots and you can steal blinds from time to time. But eventually, you have to put some hands together. A lot of low limit players put way too much emphasis on bluffing. I saw one guy, Bigranger777, go from a very big stack to out because he kept calling allins with very marginal hands, called a lot of raises OOP with very marginal hands, and overvalued pairs and draws. If I could have caught any kind of hand, I probably would have made some good runs tonight. But it just wasn't meant to be. So hopefully tomorrow will go better. Things have to turn around soon.
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5 weeks ago
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