I decided to start my challenge over. I withdrew some money and took my account down to 50 buyins. So I am changing my goals for the month. I know I probably won't make it to the 100 NL level this month, so my goal is to steadily increase my bankroll and to win at a 4-5 BB/100 rate. That's pretty reasonable.
Now on to why I decided this. This month has been a complete was so far. I am getting so frustrated with the suckouts and bad play I am up against. Here's two examples:
1. I have 99 in late position, nobody entered the pot. I raise 3X, as always. The BB calls, and the flop comes 974 rainbow. BB bets 2 BB's, really weak bet, but there is really no draw out, so I flat call. The turn brings a Jack, he donks 3 BB's, again, pretty weak bet. He only has about 20 BB's when the hand started, so I raise hoping he'll take it as a steal and push. He does, and shoves in, I instacall. He shows 44 and has 2% chance to win the hand. BAM...4 on the river. UGH!!!
2. I'm playing very solid, not too LAGGY. I get KK in middle position and raise. BB calls, the flop comes QJ7, BB checks. Not a good flop to slowplay, so I fire a CBET of 2/3 pot. He flat calls. We both have about 50 BB's. Turn brings a blank, he now donk bets into me for the pot. Most of the time this would be the classic check call, lead on the turn play, signifying a set or two pair. However, most of those players will lead for 1/2 to 2/3 pot, not the full pot. So I raise him and put him in, he instacalls and shows K7. HUH? Of course a 7 rolls off on the river to win a giant pot for him.
I have been getting very unlucky in so many spots and have played well for the most part. So I am going to refocus on starting standards and isolating. I need to get over the beats and get back to playing well. Over the last couple of days, I have dropped a ton of buyins from either calling down when I shouldn't have, or getting outdrawn. I can't believe how unlucky this month has been for me. Hopefully getting back to the basics will help me get over it.
So for the rest of the month, I'll be playing 50 NL and can hopefully get back to the grind. I need to stop paying off people when I know I'm beat, and get away from hands when I get raised. I need to play position better. Finally, when players raise, depending on player type, they usually have at least one pair beat. So stop putting so much money in with only one pair. I can't believe how many times I have been up against a set when I've had an overpair, it's just disgusting.
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5 weeks ago
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