So the new month has started and I'm off to a decent beginning. I lost a little the first day, and won a little the second day. So it's time to set some goals for the month.
[] Make Ironman for the second month in a row. Hopefully Gold or Iron.
[] Play 25,000 hands.
[] Win 4 BB/100.
[] Watch the video series on PokerVT about poker math.
[] Finish reading Bill Chen's book.
[]Move to 100 NL.
These seem like pretty reasonable goals for the month. With rakeback and hopefully a good month, I should be able to move up. I need to keep playing small ball and stay out of marginal situations for 20+ BB's. That is one thing I have noticed. I was playing way to LAGTARD in big pots. I would get the money in with coin flips and on some big draws. But I noticed that a lot of players would play smaller pots with marginal hands. So I need to play more post flop situtations and look to exploit them.
So let's get this month going and make some moves.
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5 weeks ago
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