I played a pretty good session tonight. Started out playing pretty tight, just waiting for spots really. I was trying to get a little run going and then just wait for some opportunities. Mostly because I know that players at 100NL don't really pay much attention and just play their hands. Some are good, solid players that can be quite tricky. But for the most part, they don't really pay attention. And don't even get me started with the SS'ers...ugh the cockroaches of the Earth.
So I get stuck a few bucks early on and just grind my way back and forth to be up and down a few bucks. Nothing really special. It was quite a special night. Twice I flopped QUADS with 10's, it was awesome and made a little each time. However, they wouldn't pay me off on the river for a reasonable value bet, but what can you do. So on to some quick hands.
Early on I get AQ in the CO and raise to steal the blinds, both blinds call. Flop comes with two Queens, and the SB check raises all in. Easy call he has KK...what a horrible play. He didn't 3 bet OOP, although even if he did he was a 1/2 stack and probably would have min 3 bet. SO BAD. I raised a couple of pairs IP, didn't really get good flops and just let them go, that was another thing I was trying to keep myself from doing tonight. The AUTO CBET. So many times over the past month or so I would just auto CBET a flop and get called down by weak hands to lose. So I was trying to throttle that back a bit.
I lost a couple of big hands to SS'ers who both limp shoved with small pairs. The first time I had AK and 3 bet a min raise in early. He shoved OTB for 20 BB's, easy call his stats were horrific. Lost a race to 77. A few hands later I pick up KK and 3 raise the SS limper, he shoves with 66. 6 rolls off on the river to lose another 20 BB's...UGH. And the coupe de grais. QQ raise another SS'er in blind versus blind when he limps SB. He shoves with A3. I flop a Q, nice 98-2 favorite. He hits runner runner for the straight. So not counting the AK race, I lost about 40-50 BBs in horrific beats. So if you take the -40, then add the +40 I would have won it would have made the night very profitable and good. Instead I'm up a whole 16 BB's...WAY TO GO JAY!!!!
One of the most interesting hands of the night though was when a LAG raised in middle position. I had 3 bet him a couple of times earlier and both times he 4 bet big on me. So I get AK off and decide to play a flop with him because he is horrible post flop. A shortstack shoves and he then 4 bets big again. Now I know he's not catching a lot of hands and is UBER aggressive. But I can't really call a nitty short stacker with AK off for that much. So I fold to look at AJ and AQ squaring off on a 8 high board. Again, GG JAY!!!
Finally, there were a couple of spots in which I folded overpairs to LAGs. I'm not sure if they were good laydowns or not, but I'm pretty sure they were. The bets were really fishy and looked like strong value bets on dangerous boards. With a small hand, I didn't really want to committ more money than I had to just an overpair. Probably the nitty way to play the hands, but at least I didn't drop a couple of buyins. So hopefully the rest of the month will go well. Here's hoping the best.
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5 weeks ago
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