I don't know what the deal is right now. I just can't seem to get any sessions together right now. I've been playing just about every day, but I seem to be running break even. I know it's partly due to my own stupidity. But at the same time, I just can't seem to get a good profitable session together. I'm still getting beat by longshots and have been trying to play small pots with small hands. It's just funny right now. I went back and reviewed some hands, and it's just hilarious how they will chase hands on the turn without any pot odds and get there. The key to chasing draws is to get the right implied odds. Sure you need decent pot odds, but if you chase hands without the implied odds to go with them, you will show a loss over time. You may win a hand from time to time with your longshots, but if you dont' get paid off on the end you are going to show a loss. So it's just funny.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about. We're playing 100 NL. We both have about 100 BB's. It's a limped pot and I flop top pair top kicker on the flop, and bet IP 2/3 pot. There's a flush draw present so I'm pretty sure with 4 people in the hand somebody will have a flush draw. Sure enough I get called in 2 spots. Turn brings a blank, so I fire close to the pot to give the draws the wrong odds. 1 player calls. River brings the flush card and now he leads, of course I have to fold because I can only beat top pair weaker kicker. He shows Q3 for the flush. He had only the flush draw and 1 over on the flop. Not a bad call, little loose, but understandable. If he had improved to a pair the turn call would be understandable, but to call OOP with only a flush draw and 1 card to come is abysmal. But that's how I run right now.
So for the session tonight, I need to focus on playing position and not chasing draws or hands without the odds to continue. I have been running into a lot of players that will call just about any hand for a raise IP. It's quite frustrating to have to play strong hands OOP and then be put to a test on the flop. The other frustrating thing is not getting paid off when they call flop bets or turn bets and leave themselves pot committed then fold. It's the weiredest thing. They will check call with some kind of hand on both the flop and turn and leave themselves very little behind. If you think you have the best hand or have a draw, it's time to committ. Why they leave so little behind is beyond me. I saw it a lot yesterday. I flopped top set and a guy called in position, checked the turn behind when I tried to trap him for a bet, and just called off most of his stack levaing himself 6 BB's behind on the river. Maybe it's some new advanced play I don't know about. It's just weird.
So like I said, I need to focus on not getting too LAGGY with weak hands and trying to make hero calls all the time. Remember, give them credit for being a NIT until you find out otherwise. GL at the tables.
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5 weeks ago
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