My fia
ncee and I went to Puerto Vallarta for Valentine's day. It was an unbelivable trip. Tammy won the trip from her work for her excellent sales. So we were there with a group from her work. So we knew some of the people there. We left on February 14th and returned February 18th. We stayed at the Casa Magna, which was one of the best resorts I have ever seen. The resort was right on the ocean and the views were spectacular. When we left Seattle, it was about 45 degrees. When we landed in Puerto Vallarta, it was 85 degrees. The weather was flawless. Not a cloud in the sky the entire time we were there. A gentle ocean breeze during the day helped cool us off. All in all, the weather was perfect. I was not ready to come back to 40-50 degree weather. But you have to come home sometime.
On the second day, the group from her work took everyone out on a couple of catamarans to go whale watching and sailing. We were out on the water for about 4 hours. I put on a ton of sunblock before we left, but it wasn't enough. I got sunburned, but not too bad. That night, we went in to "Downtown" Puerto Vallarta, which is the old city. We ate at a restaurant called PiPi's. They had the best fajitas I have ever had. They made fresh guacamole at the table, which was just as good. The margaritas were huge, and were not watered down at all. Some places in America will bring you a large margarita, but put the same amount of alcohol as in a regular margarita. Not here. After two, I was pretty much done for the night. :)
All in all, it
was an unbeliveable trip. I only had a chance to play poker once during the trip. I was sitting on the balcony Saturday night. It was a pretty mild night, and I was recovering from the night before and my sunburn. While we were in town, I bought some Cuban cigars and was smoking one on the balcony. I hooked up to the wireless connection and played a couple of sit and go's. It was nice. I took second in both, which was fine by me. I was in paradise, smoking a cuban cigar, drinking a mojito, basking in the 70 degree weather, and had the fresh scent of the beach and ocean in the air. Could life get any better? I submit it cannot. Finally, we had to come back to reality and head back home. We will definetely be back sometime. Hopefully not too long from now.
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