So I've been playing Rock Band off and on for the past couple of weeks. I have been doing really well on the drums. In fact, I beat the game on medium and have finished most of the hard songs. I can play quite a few on expert and have unlocked the flawless drumming achievement. To get that achievement, you have to get 100% on a song while playing on the expert level. I also got my flawless groove achievement, for getting 100% on an expert song while only strumming up on bass. Finally, I got the flawless strummer achievement for getting 100% on an expert song on guitar. SO things were going well.
All of a sudden, in the middle of a song, the bass pedal snapped in half. I was killing the song at the time on expert and then the damn pedal broke. It was so frustrating. So I went to the support website, and now have to get a new bass pedal. I don't know how long it will take, hopefully only a couple of weeks. I decided to replace the drum pads as well. I figure, I might as well get the upgraded set while I'm replacing my bass pedal.
SO, that's pretty much been my weekend. In terms of poker, I have played in a few sit and go's and have cashed in a large majority of them. In fact, my return on sit and go's is the highest it's ever been. So that is very encouraging. I've been playing very well. I have picked off players making weak bets, and laying down hands when I should. That is one thing I have noticed about a lot of the players at lower levels. They do not know how to lay down big hands. I'm not saying that I do it all the time, but there are times when you know you are beat, and one pair of Kings are just not good enough. But I see it all the time. A great example is when I was in the BB with 72. Two players limp, and the SB calls. I have the worst hand, so I'm glad to check it down. The flop came 774. I flop GIN! Most of the time, I would bet right out, but that's usually when there was a pre-flop raise. However, the table is quite aggressive, and I know someone will take a shot at this pot. Sure enough, the UTG bets the pot, and the MP calls. I check-raise about 4 times his bet. UTG folds, but MP calls. The turn brings a King, so I go all-in, and he calls. He had 99.
I have started reading the Full Tilt Tournament Strategy book, and after that, I will be reading Championship Omaha by T.J. Cloutier. So the education continues. I have felt extremely encouraged by my results so far. However, I really need to work on my tournament game. I make it deep in tourneys, but lack the killer instinct and don't play off my image enough. SO that is one aspect of my game I'll be working on. I'm planning on playing in the South Sound Poker Championships. So I really need to step up the learning curve and get some table time. I have plenty of experience playing. But I need to get a lot more live play time. Well, time to get back to work. Good luck at the tables.
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5 weeks ago
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