We played our weekly home game tonight. I played pretty well most of the evening. I played my typical, small ball style. The night was pretty uneventful. I added to my stack slowly and steadily throughout the evening. Early on, I had KK in the BB. A late player raised, I decided to just call. I thought they might have AK, and they were pretty loose. I wanted to make sure an ace didn't hit the flop before getting too crazy. Plus, by just calling, I might get an extra bet out of them on the flop. The flop came jack high and they fired when I checked to them. Long story short. I called to the river, where I hit a king and raised. They had JJ and flopped a set. I rivered it, and got lucky.
Later, I had QQ and was up against AA and KK. Pretty sick hand. I got away from the ladies for pretty much the smallest amount I could lose. The action was pretty straightforward. Small raise, I re-raised, and the player behind me re-raised. The original raiser just called, and after thinking about a lot of different possibilities, I called. The flop came 334. Player bet, and I folded. Pretty simple hand. Outside of these hands, not much happened until later in the tourney. I kept stealing blinds and preying on weakness. I was adding to my stack and staying aggressive.
I had a run of some bad cards and a cold deck for a little while. I tried to play off my image and got re-raised a couple of times. So I couldn't really do much. I tried to just stay patient and observant and look for anything I could exploit. Finally, I got AK and came in for a raise. A short stacked player went all in and I called. I won the race and got me back into contention. The end of the tourney went pretty quickly. The chip leader took two players out in one hand, and we were heads up. It was getting late, and she offered me a chop, so I took it. She had me outchipped about 5:1. I have no doubt that I could come back to win the tourney. However, I was getting tired and didn't feel that it was worth the little extra. Technically, I finished second. So 5 in a row isn't bad. Maybe I'll start a new streak next week. At least my cash streak is still intact.
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5 weeks ago
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