I played for a couple of hours, and totally lost my mind. I spewed off about 5 buyins total. I was cruising along and just getting my groove, chipping up little by little. Then I ran into some really weird plays and made some really horrible calls.
Hand #1
I raised with AA, and get two callers. Flop comes A-10-7 rainbow. My dumbass decides to check it to try and trap. Which is the correct play. So everyone else checks as well, 8 of diamonds on the turn, I decide to bet out and get called. Blank diamond on the river, I make a defensive bet with trips and get called by J9 of diamonds. Don't know if he would have called a CBET on the flop, but the way everyone was playing today, probably.
Hand #2
I bring it in with QQ, and shortstacker 3 bets small, I push him in, he calls with AK SOOTED. Of course he hits his ace and I'm down even more.
Hand #3
I bring it in with KK. Player flats before the flop and it comes K-5-4 rainbow again. Again, I decide to slowplay it. I checked it to him and he fires out a pot size bet. I flat call. Turn brings a diamond, I check it with the intention of raising, he checks behind. Diamond on the river, and now I decide to protect the hand...duhhhh!!! dumb move Jay. He raises me with the backdoor flush with A9 SOOOTED.
Hand #4
Player min raises in late, SB flats, I pot it to 8X with the min raise and caller. Raiser calls and the flop comes A-9-3, what a great flop when you got KK in your hand. I checked, he checked. Turn brought a J, and he bets when I checked, I should have just mucked, but I decide to pay him off on the turn and river. Another great play.
Hand #5
Player in early raises the two posters. Second guy flats and I flat from SB with 99. Flop comes 7 high with two spades. CBET from raiser, pretty standard, guy behind calls. This should have raised the alarm bells, but I decide to peel one more street. Turn brings a 2 and the guy behind shoves for almost 2X's the pot. I thought about it for a while, don't know why, should have mucked it. Then called off to see JJ in my face.
Hand #6
I 3 bet a loose aggro player from SB with AQ SOOTED. He flats, flop comes Q-J-8, I CBET, he min raises. I shove, he calls with JJ in the hole. Another great play Jay.
Hand #7
Raise from early with QQ and get two callers. Flop comes Jack high so I CBET about 3/4 the pot, player in late flats. Ace on the turn, I check, he bets 1/2 pot, I check raise shove. He calls with AK off. No pair, no draw. I don't know if it was a great play on his part, just unlucky on mine. Today has really shaken my confidence though.
Hand #8
Finally, the coup de grais. Player UTG raises 4X. He had been playing about 33/17, so I knew his range was fucking huge. So I flat on the button with AK. BB calls as well. Flop comes A-K-Q all clubs. BB checks, UTG bets pot, I raise pot, knowing he probably has a club maybe a weak ace, but not much. BB shoves in for a little more than a min raise. I call off and look at J10 of hearts. He flopped the joint and now I only had 4 or less outs. UGH!!!!
I need to really think about the hand, and even if I don't like it, but my gut tells me to fold, I should follow my instincts. So many times tonight, I had a feeling I was beat, but kept spewing. So back to work in just a bit, I'm now down about 1 buyin since I came back, 5 for today.
I played one more session last night. Another 1k hands. I ended up 1 buyin, so 1 down 4 to go to get even. I played a pretty TAGGY 14/10 style, and CBET about 70%. My 3bets were down a little, but mostly because the last session stuck me a bit. So I throttled back the aggression and looked to get more value bets in. Not only that, but I was waiting for the turn to make moves rather than the flop. This was because I noticed a lot of players either floating or overvaluing draws and pairs. If a scare card or a blank came on the turn, then I would judge what to do, depending on position of course. So it went pretty well. My goal is to make Ironman again this month. Hopefully Iron, but Gold would work just as well. SO I need to put another session in tonight, since I chose the shortest month of the year to accomplish this. GL at the tables.
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5 weeks ago
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