I've put in a couple more sessions since my last post. One session I kept getting coolered and seriously ran big pairs and top pair top kicker into sets. So that pretty much sucked and ruined the good run I had going. Especially because I was back from the abyss from a couple weeks ago when I tilted off about 5 buyins. So I'm still down a few buyins.
On a more positive note. I've been experimenting with playing Negreanu's small ball theory in cash games. They say that it is really a tournament strategy and doesn't really work very well in cash games. I have to disagree. I was making smallish raises, in comparison to the table and most players that hit the pot button every time. I was getting a lot of action with my hands, and was put into some weird spots. It was pretty cool though, because it really helped my hand reading and helped to maximize some of the value of some marginal hands. I can't seem to win with AK suited or not. For some reason, I either miss the flop entirely or run into a set. It's the damndest thing.
So I've been playing well and trying to play more flops rather than race off chips. So hopefully that will keep going well. So back to work and see where I can get by the end of the month. On a final note, I unistalled Holdem Manager and have reinstalled the new beta. I don't have my old hand histories anymore and sent a request for them from Full Tilt. So hopefully those will come in. If they don't, oh well. It would probably be good for the psyche to start fresh anyway. But I did have a lot of data on some regs that was quite useful. Months about half over and I'm halfway to my goals of making Ironman again and putting in 20K hands. Just have to keep it up.
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5 weeks ago
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