I played a few sit and go's today, and cashed in a majority of them. Over the past few days, I erased the deficit I was in and have added to my bankroll. I've played well, played with patience, but at the same time I've played aggressively. I have found that when I play too passive, my results are abysmal. I have played some hands extemely well, and outside of losing the coin flips and other races, I have stayed out of trouble for the most part. Of course I ran into quite a few weak players and calling stations. Luckily, they didn't draw out with weak hands and draws. So it's been very encouraging over the last few days. I am going to start playing more satelite tournaments, multi-table tournaments, and token tournaments. Satelite tournaments are great. You win entry to a tournament, and if you cash, it's more than just a little more than your buy-in. If you satelite into a $26 tournament for $8, when you cash you win about $20 right off the bat. They give you a little more leverage to be aggressive around the bubble and just after the bubble bursts. Mainly because you have already doubled your entry and have nothing to lose. Players that have bought directly into the tournament only win a minimal amount and will usually tighten up to try and get a little deeper in the tournament. You need to know which players are looking to move up the ladder and which ones are willing to be aggressive to try and get their hands on some chips.
So it's business as usual. I have to stay agressive and pick my spots. I've been 3-betting a little more often and have been branching out and raising with a lot more hands. Of course, whenever you raise, you should have position on your opponents. One final thing, don't be the first to open limp, unless you have a preset plan. If you open limp, you should know what you are going to do if other players limp, another player raises, and you should have a basic gameplan together before you open limp. Just a thought.
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5 weeks ago
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