It's so funny, everytime I have written about the success I have had, variance has started the very next game I played. Yesterday was no different. I had been running well for about a week. I decided to blog about my successes so far, and wouldn't you know it. I got cold decked in a couple of tourneys, and just couldn't win the others. I was getting short and pushed with AK, wouldn't you know it, the SB wakes up with AA. 4 handed and I run into AA. The sheer likelihood that somebody has AA when you have AK is pretty unlikely, much more so when you are 4 handed. But those are the breaks.
In the other tourneys, I lost QQ vs. 88, KK vs. QJ off, AA vs. K10 suited, and QQ vs. A5. So I kept getting my money in good, it just wasn't holding up. Unlike the last downswing, I decided to call it a night and not press my luck. Last time I dropped a little more than 10 buy-ins. I'm only down about 3 right now. So I'm going to get back at it tonight and see what happens. Hopefully all will go well.
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5 weeks ago
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