The last few days have been encouraging and frustrating, at the same time. First, I'm still running into LAG's who overvalue top pair or any kind of draw and don't even consider their pot odds. Suckouts have occured, which is pretty standard, and some hands have held up. I had AA in the big blind with the blinds at 15/30. The UTG raised to 90 and it folded to the small blind, who called. I re-raised to 300, and the UTG called. The flop came 9-6-4 with two clubs. There was 690 in the pot, so I bet out 450 with the flush draw. The UTG insta-shoved on me. I called and he showed K9 of hearts. Top pair, good kicker, but no other draw. He hit a king on the turn, but the board paired, and he was gone. Like I always say, why would you risk your tournament when the blinds are small with top pair weak kicker? But those are the calls I want.
So I played in a few tournaments and won a couple, placed third in a couple and went card dead in a few. So I was trying to play the best I could and play off my image. But the tables were playing so loose and hyper aggressive. It was just shocking how fast the tables were playing. I thought the players at the next level would put more thought into their hands, pot odds and the such, but that is not the case. They push with very marginal hands and draws, and love to bluff. So I just have to pick my spots and adjust to the table. If the table is playing loose aggressive, I need to tighten up a little. If the table is playing squeaky tight, I need to loosen up some. So I'll just have to keep changing gears.
I'm encouraged because I am getting close to setting another milestone mark for my sit and go progress. Once I can really adjust to the new level, I am planning on playing more multi-table tournaments. Here is a brief strategy I am thinking about using.
I am planning on playing my normal sit and go's. When I get past my next milestone, I am going to put the profit aside to use for satelite tournaments and multi-table tournaments. My thinking is that if I can cash regularly in the sit and go's then I can take a shot with some of the profit at the other tournaments. I'm also working on a new pre-flop and post flop strategy against LAG's and overly tight players that only play big hands. So I'll be working on that today and try it out later tonight. Hopefully all goes well.
On another note, I'm reading Read'em and Reap by Joe Navarro, Your Worst Poker Enemy by Alan Schoonmaker, and then I'm going to start reading Championship Omaha by T.J. Cloutier. In the next couple of days, I'm going to start taking notes and going to start writing a comprehensive poker book. One that covers all games, including Omaha (Hi/Lo and Hi), Stud, Razz, Hold'em, pretty much everything poker related. So back to the grind. See you at the tables.
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5 weeks ago
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