It's just shockingly funny and sickening how many bad players I have run into over the past two days. I've played in 6 sit-n-go's today. It's just amazing how bad I'm running right now. Let me get it straight, I'm not playing bad, I'm just running bad.
Here's the quick breakdown of the tourneys:
Tourney #1: 6 max tourney. I played a few hands early really well, and I grabbed the chip lead early. One hand in particular was AA. Middle position raised, and I just called, as did the big blind. The flop came jack high and the big blind bet out minimum, middle raised 4x's, and I thought one of the two had a big enough piece to go all the way. I raised to 450, but the BB just called, middle folded. BB pushed on the turn with another rag. I called, he showed K5 suited for no pair no draw????? So we get to three handed and it pretty much becomes a shove fest. I shove with K10 suited and get called by the BB with AK....UGH!!!
The first tourney was pretty standard. The blinds get high and you're forced to gamble. I just happened to run into a big hand at the wrong time. This is when it just started getting sick.
Tourney #2: I'm the short stack with 4 players left. I have 88 on the button and push for about 8 big blinds. The small blind reshoves, he has a little more than I do. He shows 33 against my 88. Sweet...I'm a big favorite. The flop comes K-2-4 rainbow. The turn brings an ace, and of course a 5 hits the river. Out of number 2.
Tourney #3: Again, we are 4 handed. This time I'm sitting about average with the other big stacks. The short stack keeps getting lucky to stay alive. I pushed on him with A10, he called off with QJ and got lucky. Later, I called his all in with A10 again as did another player who had Q9. The short stack won again with KJ. Finally, I have A8 and the short stack. I push and the BB calls with Q10. I flop an ace, but he gets a 10 on the turn and a 10 on the river.
Tourney #4: I'm on the button and we're 5 handed. I raise 3.5X's and the small blind calls. I have AQ off. The flop comes K-Q-J. He bets out the pot on the flop, and I raise all in. He calls of most of his chips, leaving himself 650 with the blinds at 50/100 on an insta call with 10's. The turn brings a 4 and of course an ace hits the river.
Tourney #5: We're 4 handed, and the table has been playing completely insanse. Raise, re-raise with very marginal hands. I only have about 6 big blinds. I'm in the BB with QJ suited. Loose player raises and another player calls. I shove for about twice the raise. Both call. The flop comes J-6-4 with two spades. The king of spades hits the turn and the 10 of hearts hits the river. One guy had A10 off and the winner had J10 of diamonds. The funny thing is that the guy with J10 was only about 14% on the flop to win. Whereas the guy with A10 off was about 32% to win. On the turn, the guy with J10 was only about 6% to win, and of course he got there.
Tourney #6: This is the worst one of the day. I haven't played a single hand yet. It's early in the tourney and everyone has been playing really loose and very poorly, so I'm just waiting for a good situaiton. I'm in early position with JJ. The blinds are 30/60 and I raise to 180. The small blind calls and the flop comes 10-9-6. He checks and I bet 300 into 420. He check raises all in. I call, he shows K6 of spades. For a check raise like this, I would have at least expected to see a flush draw or straight draw, something other than third pair with a king. The turn brings the 8 of clubs, giving me a flush draw and straight draw to go with my overpair. Of course, the king of hearts hits the river.
It is getting really frustrating playing with such bad players. They act instantly on their hands and don't think about anything other than trying to either bluff you off your hand, or think that if they bet you'll fold. I've seen so many marginal hands played for raises it almost makes me think this is how you're supposed to play. But I know better. Look up the stats of these players and you will see that they are losing players in the long run. They might get lucky and win every once in a while. But most of them are losing, and a lot I might add.
It's just mentally draining to play well, get your money in good and know that you are going to lose. I can't explain it. Everytime we got the money in, I knew I was either a huge favorite or had the best of it. But as soon as the cards were turned over, I knew I was going to lose. That little voice in the back of my head kept saying, you're going to get sucked out on, be prepared.
So, I just have to keep getting it in good, that's all you can do.
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5 weeks ago
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