I have played in 22 sit-n-go's over the past two days. I'm playing at the new level, but the ups and downs I'm experiencing right now is just getting disgusting. At the lower level, I was cashing on a regular basis. I've cashed and won quite a few at the new level, but the variance I'm experiencing right now is getting mentally taxing.
Just to give you an example. Of the 22 sit-n-go's I've played, I've won 4, took second 1 time, third 2 times, and on the bubble 6 times. That's 7 cashes out of 22. A little over 33%. I would cash in about 45% of the tourneys at the lower level. So my bankroll has been on a roller coaster ride over the past few days. If I didn't have enough to play at the upper level, I wouldn't. So as long as I have the proper bankroll, I'll continue playing at the upper level. I know I do need to make some adjustments though.
One thing I have noticed about the players at the next level, is that they are both fearless, and mostly have no clue....lol. I'll give you an example, I'll even drop his name. Pokerwarlock76 had been pushing all game long. He got lucky quite a few times to not only stay in the tourney, but to get the chip lead. I have been totally card dead for the past two days, well mostly card dead. I've had a few good hands, but nothing spectacular. So anyway, he kept pushing a raising and was playing like a typical maniac. He raised, then called a massive all in with J9 suited against AK. So I was just waiting patiently to pick him off. Just sitting in wait and hoping to finally pick up a hand I could go to war with him. I don't need aces or kings to pick off a maniac. But when all you are getting is 64 and J5, there's not much you can do. Not only that, but I had a tight aggressive, solid player on my left. So I couldn't really get out of hand.
So we get to four handed and I'm getting short on chips. He constantly pushed all in when he was in the small blind and I was in the big blind. I had about 10 big blinds, so I had a little bit of time to wait. Finally, I'm down to about 7 big blinds and he pushes in again. I called with Q8 off, which was the best hand I had seen in a long time. He showed down 96 off, so I'm a slight favorite. The flop came A-9-6....UGH!!! I catch a queen on the turn and an ace on the river. Thank god they didn't pay off a bad play. So now I'm sitting third. A couple of orbits later, he pushed again from the small blind. I had him covered by about 300. I called with A7 off, he had K8. I caught an ace, but on the turn he had a straight and flush draw. The river bricked and he was gone. When we were three handed, I pushed on the short stack with A10 suited and he called with KK. I caught an ace, but he caught a king. The river brought a jack for a running straight. Finally, I trapped the big blind with K10. I called and he checked it down. The flop came 10-7-6. He bet out, and I used my clock, then just called. I know that at this point, I'm probably a huge favorite. There are straight and flush draws, but he was playing pretty straight forward. Bets when he has a pair, checks when he bricked the flop. So I thought he had a weak 10. The turn brought another 7. He put about half his money in the pot. At this point, I know he's committed and went ahead and put him in. He had 10-3, the river bricked and I won another one.
Over the past two days, I have played 2070 hands, and have had a premium hand 2% of the time. I was dealt AA 4 times out of 2070 hands. That's just disgusting. Like I've said, I don't need premium hands all the time, but it helps when the table is playing very tight and aggressive to have a hand to go to war with from time to time. There's only so many times you can raise a blind with a less than premium hand that you won't get looked up. Not only that, but it's only fair that the poker gods deal me some good hands from time to time. When you only get marginal hands, it's like playing with your hands tied. Your actions are limited, it destroys your image, and if you are at a tight aggressive table that is playing well, when you do get a hand, nobody will call. So you have to get hands.
Normally in a sit-n-go, I'll play pretty tight at the beginning. I try to build my image and get a few chips. I'm not going to get crazy with a hand, and will usually fold only one pair. Remember, never go broke with one pair, especially early in a tourney. However, when you just don't get anything to play, there's not much you can do. Just play patiently and wait for the right opportunities to present themselves. There were so many tourneys that I was playing patiently and just waiting for the right spots. They never came and when I finally did make a move with a decent hand, guess what I always ran into. YUP...AA and KK. Sucks when the deck kills you like that.
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5 weeks ago
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