It's kind of funny, I have been consistently winning, but I haven't picked up any big hands in big pot situations. One of the keys to poker is to maximize your wins, and to minimize your losses. That is pretty much what I have been doing the past few days.
I've won a few, lost a few, cashed in a few, but the big part of the story is that I have added a pretty considerable amount to my bankroll. I now have about 70 buy-ins for the next level. So I think I'm going to move up in levels. That should really start the bankroll moving in the upward direction. If I get below a certain number of buy-ins, I'll obviously move back down. But I think I'm ready to take a shot at the next level.
Over the past few days, I have played over 8500 hands. Here is a brief breakdown of the premium hands I have had. AA - 18 times, KK - 19 times, QQ - 24 times, AK (suited or off) - 94 times, and JJ - 31 times. That might sound like a lot. But you should get AA or KK once every 220 hands. Accordingly, I should of had each about 39 times playing as many hands as I have. But I'm not worried about that. If anything, it's more encouraging. It means that I have been winning with other hands. I have played against some people who can only win with big hands. However, the fact that I have not had many big hands, shows that I can win when I don't have a premium hand. That, in my opinion, makes me a real poker player. Some extremely tight players might win when they are getting hit by the deck. But can they win when they only get 85 off and K6? That is the true test of a poker player.
My biggest winning hands, other than the premium hands, have been some pretty unlikely characters. 77, AQs, K10s, and A2. I have played those hands extremely well. Other hands have included 89s, A10, and KJs. So, long story short, I've played well and have continued to add to my bankroll.
UPDATE: I just got done playing a couple more sit and go's. Today I played 505 hands. I had AA once, didn't have KK, or QQ. I had a ton of very marginal hands, but not in position. The tables were playing pretty loose, and raises were not getting any kind of respect. I saw one hand in which a player raied UTG with K9 off, got re-raised from the BB by K8 and they got it all in on a flop of 9-8-4. I made a few moves and bought a few pots. But for the most part, I never really had a big hand. I cashed third in the last two tourneys and never saw a hand. So that's not bad.
SECOND UPDATE: I just played my first sit-n-go at the new level. I'm happy to say that I won. I don't know if it was help from GOD or what, but I caught some good hands and played really well. I had AA twice and KK once. All of which held up. There were quite a few hands of importance. The table was playing quite tight and passive. As I have always told you, you should play opposite of the table. So I was trying to play position and raised some hands in position. I raised AQ suited on the button and got re-raised by the small blind. I didn't have a line on him yet, so I decided it was too early to speculate, plus I still had over 1400 with the blinds small. I raised a few other hands and stole the blinds. I raised the button again with A4 suited, and the same player instantly shoved on me. So I folded another one to him. This was getting annoying, everytime I raised he would instantly re-raise me. At this point, I didn't know if he was just re-stealing or had a hand. A few orbits later, I was getting kind of low. I raised with J10 and nobody in the pot in the hijack. The same guy re-raised me. So I decided to pull a stop and go on him. I called and the flop came Q-10-9. I shoved in and he called with AJ, then questioned my raise with J10. The real question was what he was doing re-raising with We ended up chopping it with a straight. I finally trapped that bastard in the small blind. I got AA in the small blind and raised him. He instantly shoved on me. I raised to 275 with the blinds at 50/100 and he shoved for 1650, I had him covered. He showed 66, he was gone. A couple of orbits later another guy raised to 360 and I re-raised to 960 with AA. He shoved for 2200 more and had QQ, another one gone. We were down to 6 handed and I had a monster chip lead. From a combination of stealing blinds and showing a loose image early, then changing gears often gave me an opportunity to get a lot of chips. I was on the button with KK and raised to 400 with the blinds at 80/160. Got called by the small blind and the flop came K-J-8 with two hearts. He check folded when I bet 650 into a pot of 960. I kept putting pressure on the other players with all kinds of hands. I knew they didn't want to confront me without a hand. So I would raise somewhat often, but not too much. If they moved on me I would make an assessment of the situation and act accordingly. We got down to 3 handed and the two short stacks went crazy on each other. Heads up I had the other guy 3:1 in chips. I pushed him with the button about 70% of the time and he folded everytime. I finally raised enough to put him in when he only had about 5 big blinds. I had A3 off, he called with KK. I turned a flush and it was all over. It felt good to have such a big chip lead and play really well. Hopefully the new level will keep going this way, but I'm sure it won't. Variance will no doubt kick my ass soon enough. :)
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